european youth dance project | Introduction

The EYDP aims to offer young dancers full participation and experience in dance productions. In an ever developing and evolving process, the dancers prepare for the launch of their professional career. As such the dancers have the opportunity to perform in different styles, interpreting roles from Les Ballets Persans repertoire created mainly by the company’s principal choreographer Nima Kiann. They also perform in new choreographies created exclusively for EYDP.
Turquoise Land – Dream of Peace, a work based on classical ballet technique, was the first neo-classical ballet created for this project followed by the contemporary ballets such as Symphony of Elegy in Green and Hanging Gardens of Lost Dreams,dance and video installation.
Les Ballets Persans has created an international network to increase the opportunities for young dancers to engage in the profession and to take part in a wide range of performances.
When carrying out the EYDP productions aimed for this undertaking, Les Ballets Persans adapts and tailors the production to the needs of the participants. Les Ballets Persans has created a platform through the EYDP for young dancers to strengthen their technical abilities, while gaining useful experience during the production of a professional dance performance. This provides the dancers with a much needed foundation for a professional career in a strongly competitive milieu.
At the end of each season the EYDP performs for young audiences in schools or for general audiences in public performance Halls. Performances abroad and international tours are also organized occasionally. Each season of the EYDP includes Master Classes and repertory work.
EYDP is dedicated to providing a unique Eastern dance repertoire to young dance talents in Europe. In addition the project is creating new partnerships between those providing and supporting dance activities for young people through working across the arts, with the community at large, educational institutions, and directly with youth programs.
Throughout the years, European Youth Dance Project has developed to an international dance project being introduced in many countries from Central Asia to North America. Various National Ballet Companies in Central Asia are now involved in the project and its related dance productions.