New Production 2015

Les Ballets Persans will be presenting a new, exclusively created performance during the 5th biennial Tirgan Festival in Toronto, Canada. In the context of series of close cooperations between Les Ballets Persans and leding National Ballet companies in Central Asia, the 15th season of the European Youth dance Project is condcuted in Kyrgyzstan with participation of local dancers and members of the Kyrgyz National Ballet. As a continuation of last year's successsful collaboration, the new dance performance will be produced in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyz Republic. The project is supported by the country's Ministry of Culture.
Les Ballets Persans' new performance will have its World Premiere on August 21th, 2015, at Fleck Dance Theatre within the cultural complex of Toronto's Harbourfront Centre.
The new perforamnce will consist of new choreographies, based on the compositions of the new generation of Iranian classical and comtemporary music. The new creations will be presented here soon.


World Premier:
21 August 2015
Fleck Dance Theatre, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Canada
with participation of principal dancers of the National Ballet of Kyrgyzstan
15th season of the European Youth Dance Project
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