- Nima Kiann

Chronology of the Iranian National Ballet and Les Ballets Persans

- 2014
- March 20th
Manoto1 TV's broadcasting of its exclusive Norouz program including 9 dances of Les Ballets Persans' repertoire.
First introduction of Persian character dance in a series of folkloric choreographies. World Premiere of "Golden Dreams" and new
folkloric ballets; "Bahar Gəlir" & "Bahareh!"
- February
13th season of the European Youth Dance Project organized in Bishkek, at the State Academic Opera and Ballet
Theatre of Kyrgyzstan named after Abdylas Maldibaev, introducing the National Ballet of Kyrgyzstan's first tour of the post-Soviet
era in the West by Les Ballets Persans.
- February 5th
Joint Press Conference with Nima Kiann and Deputy Culture Minister Baktygul Belekova at the Ministry
of Culture of Kyrgyzstan.
- February 4th
Artistic Director Nima Kiann meets with the Culture Minister of Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Sultan Rayev.
- January
Nima Kiann visits Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan to establish collaboration with the National Ballet of
the country.

- 2013
- October
12th season of the European Youth Dance Project organized in Stockholm, Sweden.
- February
11th season of the European Youth Dance Project organized in Stockholm, Sweden.

- 2012
- October
10th season of the European Youth Dance Project organized in Stockholm, Sweden.
- June 10th
First presentation, after the fall of the Soviet Union, of the National Ballet of Tajikistan in the West by
Les Ballets Persans. Premiere performance at Congress Centre Hamburg, Germany.
- June 3th
World Premiere of "Symphony of Elegy" in Dushanbe. Presenting the contemporary dance and Les Ballets Persans'
repertoire to the Tajik audience.
- May
9th season of the European Youth Dance Project organized in Dushanbe, at the State Academic Opera and Ballet
Theatre of Tajikistan named after Sadreddin Ayni.
- March 5th
Artistic Director Nima Kiann appointed as the Principal Guest Choreographer of National Ballet of
- March 1st
Visiting the State Opera and Ballet Theatre of Tajikistan in Dushanbe. Starting collaboration with
National Ballet of Tajikistan.

- 2011
- July 24th
Presenting the Arash Award to Nima Kiann during the Tirgan closing gala reception in Toronto,
- July 22-23
Two performances during the 3rd biennial summer festival of Tirgan in Toronto, Canada. World
Premiere of "Vis and Ramin".
- June
- 8th season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm and Toronto.

- 2010
- October
- 7th season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm.
- May
- 6th season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm.

- 2009
- December 10-13
- Eastern Europe tour of Les Ballets Persans’ European Youth Dance Project.
- November
- 5th season of the European Youth Dance Project in Eastern Europe.
- March
4th season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm.

- 2008
- October 3rd
- World Premiere of the contemporary piece of "Hanging Gardens of Lost Dreams".
- September
- 3rd season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm.
- March 9th
- Celebration of the works and achievements of Nima Kiann, presenting the Ferdowsi Award to him. Gala Performance
organized by Toos Foundation in London. World Premiere of "Turquoise Land - Dream of Peace".
- February
- 2nd season of the European Youth Dance Project in Stockholm and London.

- 2007
- December 7th
- World premiere of "Simay Jan, the Gilani Girl". First performance of the European Youth Dance Project.
- November
- Introduction of European Youth Dance Project. Premiere season in Stockholm.

- 2006
- May
- Introduction of the First International Dance Seminar and Master Classes of Les Ballets Persans.

- 2005
- September
- Introduction and first season of the Academy of Les Ballets Persans.

- 2004
- August
- Introduction of Nima Kiann's Forum of Persian and Middle Eastern Dance, a research center for the art form
of dance, particularly ballet in the oriental world.
- May 7th
- World Premier of Les Ballets Persans' US debut Concert at Japan America Cultural & Community Centre in Los Angeles
including the choreography of "Kaveh, the Blacksmith".

- 2003
- May 4th
- World Premier of "Femme" at Stockholm Concert Hall.

- 2002
- October 7th
- World Premiere production of Les Ballets Persans staged at the Royal Cirkus Theatre, Stockholm. The
heroic ballet of "Babek" is included in the World Premiere production of the company. First introduction of contemporary Azerbaijan ballet
in the West. Another Azeri ballet, "Seven Beauties", is also included in the Premiere Production of Les Ballets Persans.
- August
- Start of the Premiere Production of Les Ballets Persans with the support of various Swedish authorities,
among them; Swedish National Office for Cultural Affairs, National Integration Office of Sweden, Cultural Administration of Stockholm
County Council, The Culture Committee of Stockholm and private sponsors. Company members from 15 different nationalities gathered
in Stockholm to work with a varied repertoire.
- May
- Auditions organized in Stockholm and Paris to engage dancers for the premiere production of Les Ballets

- 2001
- February
- Registration of Les Ballets Persans as a non-profit organization in Sweden. The founder of the organization,
Nima Kiann, is also Artistic Director and Principal Choreographer of the company.
- August
- Nima Kiann visited Baku, Azerbaijan, inviting prominent Azeri ballet artists; People's Artists of the Republic
Rafiga Akhundova and Maksud Mamedov to participate in the Premiere Production of Les Ballets Persans.

- 2000
- September
- Establishment of Les Ballets Persans’ Founders Circle. Among members; Marian Laurell (Managing Director of
Cullberg Ballet), Lia Schubert (Founder and Director of Ballet Academy in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Haifa), Dr. Karl Ryberg
(Psycologist, connoisseur of dance, administrative advisor), Nima Kiann.
- February
- Nima Kiann's tour to the United States to meet and interview with former members of the Iranian National Ballet
- January 21th
- Marita Ulvskog, the Culture Minister of Sweden, encourages Nima Kiann for his endeavors to reestablish the
Iranian National Ballet in exile; "... please allow me to express my admiration for the energy and purposefulness with which you are
equipped in order to pursue this project. to give life to an artistic tradition after more than twenty years of interruption demands
a willpower of the kind that only an indomitable yearning can give. this yearning to recreate what there has been, can be difficult
to understand for us, who are not sharing the painful experience that often is behind."

- 1999
- Feb. - Dec.
- Nima Kiann's tour across Europe and the United States to visit ballet personalities, cultural icons, organizations and authorities for the establishment of the New Iranian National Ballet (Les Ballets Persans).

- 1998
- September
- Introduction of the project of recreating the Iranian National Ballet Company, by Nima Kiann, to Swedish and European authorities.

- 1979
- February
- Disbanding of the Iranian National Ballet and the National Ballet Academy of Iran in the aftermath of
the Islamic revolution. Close down of Roudaki Hall as Iran's celebrated opera and ballet institution. During its 12 years of
activity, Roudaki Hall Opera hosted the world's foremost choreographers, dancers and dance companies; Frank Sinatra,
Maurice Béjart, Margot Fonteyn, Rudolf Nureyev, Merce Cunningham, Birgit Cullberg, Irina Prokofyeva, Andrei Kondratoff,
Kirov Ballet, The Igor Moiseyev Ballet, Grand Ballet Classique de France, Le Ballet du XXe Siècle, Antonio Gades Flamenco
Ensemble, Stuttgart Ballet, Berliner Ballett, Rambert Ballet, Joffrey Ballet, Nikolais Dance Theatre among many others.

- 1978
- October
- Premiere of "Sleeping Beauty" as the last ballet production staged at the Roudaki Hall Opera.

- 1976
- July
- Resignation of Nejad Ahmadzadeh, the founder and artistic director of the Iranian National Ballet.
Ali Pourfarrokh succeeded him as the company's second (and last) artistic director and principal choreographer.

- 1975
- October 14th
- World Premiere of "Bijan and Manijeh" as the company's first Persian full-evening ballet production.
Choreographed by Haideh Ahmadzadeh and Robert Urazgildiev. Music composed by Hossein Dehlavi. Scenery Design by Homa Partovi.

- 1967
- October 26th
- Inauguration of the Roudaki Hall Opera in Tehran by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and Empress Farah.
- August
- Iranian National Ballet moved to its new home at Roudaki Hall Opera. National Ballet Academy of Iran
moved to its new premises in the grounds of the newly build Amjadiyeh Sport Stadium.
- May
- Robert de Warren left the Iranian National Ballet to found, on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Arts,
the National Folklore Society of Iran and its affiliates; The Mahalli Dancers of Iran troupe and the Consevatory of National and
Folkloric Dances of Iran.
- April
- Completion of Tehran's Roudaki Hall Opera construction, at the time, among the ten best equipped opera houses
in the world.
- April
- Iran's Ministry of Culture was divided into three new ministries. The former Fine Arts Department developed
to the Ministry of Culture and Arts.

- 1965
- July
- Robert de Warren arrived to Tehran as ballet master and principal choreographer of the Iranian National Ballet,
along with his wife Jacqueline de Warren. As his first ballet for the young company, de Warren staged "La Péri", based on a Persian tale
originally choreographed by Ivan Clustine for Les Ballets Russes de Serge Diagilev in 1912.

- 1963
- April
- Martha Graham and her dance company visited Iran and staged "Appalachian Spring" at Farhang Hall.

- 1958
- August
- Foundation of the Iranian National Ballet Company as Iran's first state ballet institution. Nejad Ahmadzadeh
was appointed as the company's Artistic Director. Sent by Dame Ninette de Valois, Ann Cox, Miro Zolan and Sandra Vane were first to
arrive in Tehran from London as ballet masters and dance instructors for the National Ballet Academy of Iran and the Iranian
National Ballet Company.
- June
- On the official invitation by the Iranian government Dame Ninette de Valois, the founder of Royal Ballet in London
visited Tehran to put the foundation of a national ballet company for the country.

- 1956
- March
- National Ballet Academy of Iran was founded by Nejad Ahmadzadeh. The Ministry of Culture allocated a space in
attachment to Tehran's Music Conservatory. Ahmadzadeh was sent to the United States to establish contacts with leading ballet institutions
in the States. William Dollar was invited to Tehran to help starting the ballet education in Iran.

- 1955
- May
- Fine Arts Department of Iran's Ministry of Culture committed Nejad Ahmadzadeh, former member of Nilla Cram Cook's
dance ensemble, and his wife Haideh Ahmadzadeh to establish a professional dance and ballet education for children and youth in Tehran
in order to cultivate Iranian ballet dancers for a future national ballet company.